Post Operative Physiotherapy
Time spent in hospital can be challenging as you face up to the reality of going home and managing with life. Often the time sent in bed getting treatment after an illness or operation leaves you feeling weaker. Hospital discharge teams will consider your physical and care needs and will suggest support with equipment and care packages before you go home. However you may need additional support to make sure you are doing enough physical exercise and optimise your recovery. Often people go home and are scared to move after surgery and become fearful to move in case they over do it and cause harm to their recovery.
This is not the case and people may need to guidance of an experienced physiotherapist to show them the right things to do.Time spent in hospital can be challenging as you face up to the reality of going home and managing with life. Often the time sent in bed getting treatment after an illness or operation leaves you feeling weaker. Hospital discharge teams will consider your physical and care needs and will suggest support with equipment and care packages before you go home.
However you may need additional support to make sure you are doing enough physical exercise and optimise your recovery. Often people go home and are scared to move after surgery and become fearful to move in case they over do it and cause harm to their recovery. This is not the case and people may need to guidance of an experienced physiotherapist to show them the right things to do.
We understand how difficult it can be adjusting to life at home during your recovery. If you have had a hip or knee replacement or have had surgery to repair a broken bone, it may mean you have to stay downstairs in a hospital bed until you can manage the stairs again. You may need a commode next to the bed or even carers coming in to help give you personal care.
We will be able to help you use the equipment in place or suggest additional equipment to help you manage more independently. Our friendly physiotherapists will teach you exercises to strengthen your muscles and improve your mobility. We will help improve your confidence by practising daily tasks such as getting in and out of bed by your yourself, managing the stairs, walking outside and getting in and out of your car. We will reassure you as you recover and help you manage your pain and frustrations acting as a voice between yourself and your GP and consultant in case you have any concerns.